Trauma therapy is a field of psychotherapy that is specifically dedicated to the area of symptoms in the psyche and body caused by trauma, the so-called trauma-related disorders. Work in the trauma field sometimes follows slightly different approaches to general psychotherapy. Traumatized people are more likely to lose their inner balance in certain situations and therefore require a great deal of stabilization, orientation and good contact with their own resources and their counterparts.
The Neuro Affective Relational Model ™ (NARM®) addresses Complex Trauma (C-PTSD), including attachment, relational and developmental trauma, by working with adaptive patterns that reflect unconscious patterns of disconnection that impact our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior and relationships.
NARM® integrates a body-centered and psychodynamic approach, within a context of interpersonal neurobiology, grounded in mindfulness and a phenomenological approach to addressing identity and consciousness of Self.
NARM® offers a comprehensive theoretical and clinical model for the resolution of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and C-PTSD.
NARM® offers a framework for post-traumatic growth by supporting increased resiliency, greater health outcomes, healthier relationships, personal growth and social change.
NARM® is a process-oriented and body-based psychotherapy for the treatment of developmental trauma that focuses on the experience in the here and now.
NARM® is based on five organizing developmental themes in early childhood development, which are continued and strengthened in the form of core skills as part of the therapy process:
Laurence Heller, Ph.D., [Healing Developmental Trauma]
As small human beings we are completely dependent on the care and attention of our caregivers for a very long time. This is precisely what makes us so vulnerable as children. In order to protect our attachment to our caregivers - and thus our survival - we involuntarily adapt to our environment so that we can maintain enough attachment to survive in any case. Our biology dictates this: as children, we have no other choice.
When in doubt, as a child we adapt to our dysfunctional environment in a highly functional way, which inevitably leads to us having to develop survival structures in order to bridge the obvious gap between the vital fulfillment of our needs and the limited options available to us in our environment. If attachment does not work well, our nervous system becomes over-excited and this physical stress also affects our entire way of feeling, thinking and being. Our image of ourselves and the world becomes distorted and we are less and less able to be in touch with our authentic self.
Depending on the type of attachment we experience as children, we may or may not have a healthy and vibrant relationship with ourselves and our environment later in life. If a child is given the appropriate space to explore and embody the above mentioned five developmental themes, they can later mature into an adult who masters their life with openness, flexible stability, joy, natural responsibility and clarity, and is in good contact with themselves and their world.
The aim of NARM® Trauma Healing is to enable us to free ourselves from our old survival patterns and become increasingly able to develop our core skills based on the five developmental themes and express them in our lives. This leads to a more fulfilling and relaxed life and a deeper relationship with ourselves, other people and life itself.
PITT® was developed by Prof. Dr. med. Louise Reddemann (and team) and is a resilience and resource-oriented approach to short-term therapy based on a psychodynamic understanding. It incorporates imaginative work with inner personality parts (so-called ego states on the inner stage), mindfulness and a strong element of compassion and self-care into the work. Further information:
Our own inner world consists of many inner parts that are often at odds with each other. However, we are not able to act and live well in a state of constant inner conflict.
When working with the inner personality parts, it is particularly important to perceive their needs, hurts and requirements from state of the adult self and to ensure that relief and self-contact are created through listening, caring, compassion and loving self-reference.
Systemic constellation work first looks at the situation exactly as it is and then brings movement into the system through representative movement and communication of the individual elements. This movement can release old patterns and bring new possibilities to light, so that life begins to flow tangibly again. We work both on external systems, such as family, relationships or the workplace, and on the inner parts of our personality.
General terms & conditions
All my services are available in German or English language.
Our appointments can take place:
Depending on the initial situation, psychotherapy can vary in duration.
Some issues can be clarified and resolved more easily, but there are also difficulties that require more time to look at, integrate and move on. Together we will look at what support is appropriate and helpful for you and how we can bring about the right solution. Sometimes just a few sessions are enough, as my approach to therapy is action- and solution-oriented and the aim is to integrate what has been worked on in the session into everyday life as directly as possible.
Fee & legal matters
A session lasts 50 minutes and costs €120 for self-payers. In individual cases, more time may be required, in which case the price will change accordingly. We will discuss this when you make your appointment.
As a rule, statutory health insurance companies do not cover treatment services. Private health or supplementary insurance companies reimburse the treatment costs in full or in part. This can vary greatly depending on the insurance and contract. Please clarify this independently with your insurance company in advance. The treatment costs agreed with you are independent of the amount reimbursed by your insurance company.
Alternative practitioners practise their profession independently and are considered liberal professions within the meaning of Section 18 EStG. The activities of alternative practitioners are based on a service contract with the patient under civil law.
Cancellation of appointments
Agreed appointments must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance. If this is not the case, the cancellation costs will be charged privately.
I would be happy to arrange a free telephone consultation with you, in which we can discuss your questions or concerns and the likely timeframe for our collaboration.
Annette Reiche
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie
Entwicklungs-Traumatherapie NARM®
NARM® Supervision für TherapeutInnen
Orientierungs- & Wertecoaching
Tel. +49 (0)178 9831997
Grünmatten 10 • 79219 Staufen