I offer specific NARM®-based supervision for psychotherapists and psychotherapists in NARM® training in an individual setting. The supervision sessions generally contain a mixture of experience-oriented self-exploration and client-related case consultation. In the professional field of psychotherapy, regular supervision is an important resource for us therapists in order to constantly realign and strengthen ourselves in a friendly collaboration with experienced colleagues.
NARM®-based supervision takes into account the particular dynamics of developmental trauma in the therapeutic process, promotes a deeper understanding of the NARM® method and supports the differentiation of emerging dynamics.
This form of supervision also supports therapists in turning to their own human growth process, and thus devoting themselves to the development of their subjective depth.
As therapists, in the course of the therapeutic process with our clients, we inevitably come to points where phenomena of (C)-countertransference and/or resonance can affect our presence and orientation. We reach the limits of our competence, try very hard, don't know what to do, feel frustrated, impatient, at a loss, stressed or overwhelmed.
It is then essential to change or broaden our perspective with the help of supervision so that we can reflect on and support our own parallel processes.
In this way, our joint work with our clients can begin to flow again.
No one can and should do this deep work with people alone!
We need our mutual support, collegial benevolence, helpful questions, the willingness to keep learning and the recognition of our own humanity.
General terms & conditions
Individual supervision is possible on site in my practice or via ZOOM (online session).
Group supervision and active coaching practice groups are possible online.
Cancellation of appointments
Booked and confirmed appointments must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance. If this is not the case, the cancellation costs will be charged privately.
I would be happy to arrange a free telephone consultation with you to discuss your questions or concerns.
Please contact me on +49 (0)178-9831997 or use the contact form.
Annette Reiche
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie
Entwicklungs-Traumatherapie NARM®
NARM® Supervision für TherapeutInnen
Orientierungs- & Wertecoaching
Tel. +49 (0)178 9831997
Grünmatten 10 • 79219 Staufen